Free of child slavery

A Posibl. special production that exposes the cruel reality that the Argentine Mate hides.


Mate is the national drink of the Argentina. 90% of the yerba mate that is consumed in Argentina and 60% of the one that is exported to the world, is produced in the province of Misiones, located in the Northeast of Argentina.

There, thousands of children under age and more than 25,000 families who work in the yerba mate crop, suffer from inequality and extreme poverty, as a result of corruption and public-private complicity.

Declared as National and Cultural Interest by the Chamber of Deputies and the Honorable Congress of the Argentine Nation; Free of Child Labor is an original production documentary by Posibl., which tells the cruel reality of the children who work and live behind the yerba mate harvest, the national drink of Argentina.



Libre de trabajo infantil

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Libres de trabajo infantil: "Un chico de 5 años no puede creer que su único destino es trabajar en un yerbal" - Infobae

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El documental que denuncia el trabajo infantil detrás del mate llegó a Cannes y emocionó al mundo - LA NACION

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Una campaña de firmas pide erradicar el trabajo infantil en los campos de mate de Argentina | Sociedad | Edición América | Agencia EFE

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La triste realidad detrás del mate argentino

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El duro relato de un chico de 9 años que es víctima del trabajo infantil - TKM

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Take Action

We propose that consumers, producers, merchants and supermarkets, universities, civil associations, and the State coordinate actions to end once and for all the scourge of child labor in the countryside, and then deal with eradicating it from each area .

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