Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a cancer that develops in the lungs. Almost 75% of diagnosed mesothelioma cases form in the pleura, making it the most common of the four types.


The lungs and chest cavity are lined with a thin tissue membrane known as the pleura. When asbestos fibers get lodged in the lining of the lungs they can cause inflammation and scarring. The tumors that form in the pleura are known as pleural mesothelioma.

The cause of pleural mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers, which are inhaled into the lungs. It usually takes from 20 to 50 years for mesothelioma to develop after a person’s first exposure to asbestos. Because of this latency period, the disease usually affects people older than 75.

The average life expectancy for pleural mesothelioma is often less than 18 months, but it depends on many factors.

Although there is no cure for mesothelioma, some patients live much longer with treatments. Combining several treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, has helped some people live for years. Clinical trials offer access to new treatments such as immunotherapy.

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