

An elephant torn from her family, ill and locked up for half a century; an industry that is reluctant to cease to exist; economic and political interests that ruined her life; and a society that has changed forever.

Caravan is the story of the elephant Pelusa and the historic journey that will make her the first elephant in South America to cross two countries.

Risking her life to touch another elephant for the first time, Pelusa´s caravan will undoubtedly set a precedent that will not only leave the business of elephants in captivity mortally wounded, but will open the possibility for 10 other elephants that are in captivity today in Argentina and more than 40 in the region.

With a unique and exclusive access to its characters, this documentary seeks answers to concrete questions that speak of humanity in this decade: What justifies captivity during a lifetime of a species? Does the fact that the existence of wild animals in zoos continue to be legal makes it an ethical attraction? Is it possible to reconvert zoos into a conservation space?

Pelusa is in a limbo similar to the one that took the life of the polar bear "Arturo" waiting to travel to Canada, and in a state similar to the one that depresses the orangutan "Sandra" who awaits a ruling by a judge that will allow it to be free.

Today is unknown if Pelusa will survive or not to this bureaucratic stage necessary for it transfer, but if survives it will be the one who can value wether the road traveled was worth or not.



La triste historia de Pelusa y su traslado a un santuario brasileño | Clarín

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Pelusa the elephant has been held in captivity for 50 years | AJ+

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Un documental registrará el proceso hacia una nueva vida de la elefanta del zoo platense | Télam

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#ElDatoDeHoy: 50 años de soledad, la historia del elefante "Pelusa" | CNN

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“Pelusa”, la elefanta que se hizo película | AN Digital

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La triste historia de Pelusa la elefanta y su traslado a un santuario brasileño | Stop en línea

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Pelusa the elephant has been held in captivity for 50 years. This is how activists are trying to free her from the zoo | Video Dailymotion

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Elefanta Pelusa será llevada a santuario tras 50 años de soledad | Ahora Noticias

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Pelusa es la protagonista de la primera causa en la fiscalía de maltrato animal | El Día

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After 50 years of solitude, elephant prepped for release in a sanctuary | Free Press

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Animal activists have taken action to put an end to the elephant's captivity | A News

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Pelusa llega al cine y hay reunión en el Zoo por su futuro | Editor Platense

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Primera liberación de elefantes en cautiverio en Argentina |

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Mirá el trailer de la pelí­cula sobre la vida de la elefanta Pelusa antes de su viaje a Brasil | Infocielo

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"Caravana Movie" first trailer. Join your voice | China Daily

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Axel: "Rescato animales de manera íntima, sin publicidad" | Infobae

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Aseguran que la elefanta Pelusa "está en estado crítico debido a los 50 años de cautiverio" | Infobae

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Murió "Pelusa", un elefante que soñaba con ser libre | TKM

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Axel compartió un conmovedor mensaje por la muerte de Pelusa

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"Caravana", el documental sobre la muerte de Pelusa con el que intentan rescatar a otros 9 elefantes | Big Bang! News

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